Note: This is a religious discussion that requires you to put some effort at writing. Please keep in mind I was kind enough not to post this on the forums to avoid complains.
Now, we all know about the constant discussions of Christians and atheist. But, who is right? This should give a simple answer to this question.
To Christians: I know you have your faith in the existence of God. However you must accept that this fact is not true to everyone. Even tough you feel you have the need to convert the non-believers into believers, you must accept that stubborn people exist and won't accept it.
What you can do is try, but not insist. Remember that they have the right to be not disturbed, and that you have to respect their decision. Also remember you can't expect to convert every single human in the world, that's why there is a punishment for that.
If you where right, they will be most likely going to hell and you are most likely going to heaven. If they where right, they will simply root and you will at least have lived a life of good-doing.
Conclusion: Don't over do it. Arguing will not help your cause, you will only gain more haters. Live and let live, and learn to know a lost case.
To atheists: You may think Christians are stupid, ignorant, foolish and blind, but remember that it is their decision to be how they are. Also remember that they have good intentions, they are moved by their need to help others, so don't think of them as people that like to mock other's lives. Have some patience, they aren't going to change their ways no matter how much you argue.
What do you have to loose anyways? If you where right all this time everyone is going to root, so it really doesn't matters anyways.
Conclusion: Live and let live. They are good people who try yo help: They may insist a lot, but they only do it because they think they are doing the right thing. You can argue all you want, but they will stay firm.
I hope this helped some people to think different of their ways. Always remember: Live and let live, everyone has a different view of life.