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Angel Urena @Expectrum

Age 32, Male


Dominican Republic

Joined on 12/29/05

Exp Points:
9,110 / 9,340
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Expectrum's News

Posted by Expectrum - December 15th, 2007

Well Newgrounds, I have finally introduced myself to the world of working (for money).

As some of you may know (or may have noticed), my most remarkable feat goes to music, which is precisely what I am teaching.

Where I study at, the most prominent students (humility aside) get to give lessons to the younger and newest students, with the benefit of not paying for their own studies and winning a little profit in cash.

It's not a very difficult task, though. I just have to follow the semester's program schedule and everything is fine. I was assigned 4 consecutive students on mondays. The only stressing part is when they don't practice at home and I need to take make up for it...

Well, to finish this boring piece of junk you don't care about (but that I would like to let you know anyways), I will show you a shitty picture of me.

I got a job!

Posted by Expectrum - December 4th, 2007

More info here.

Authors so far:

Me =)

This is a fun idea, join if you can!

Posted by Expectrum - November 19th, 2007

Well, I was away for a while. Reason? Anime.

Yeh, throw rocks at me, but I kinda got hooked on Bleach and went mostly to YouTube everytime I got on the computer; so there.

Anything new I should know? Another stupid trend or something? I feel out of place D=

Posted by Expectrum - September 11th, 2007

Well, soon I will get my greedy hands on a nice keyboard (as you may know, I play the piano), since I have been using a vertical piano. Well, since I can at least connect my work to the PC, I may start doing some remakes of songs from games and such.

Here you may leave songs you may want a piano version or something, so that you can use it on your flash or anything. I am not, however, promising anything. It's just for getting ideas on what to work with.

Posted by Expectrum - August 29th, 2007

I know most of this may have been pointed out before, but I don't think there has been paid enough attention to this problem. I know most of the user problems would be fixed with the use of common sense and behavior.

Humans, in their nature, have the need to humiliate and argue with others. However, since most people wouldn't like to get in social problems for doing so in real life, they take advantage of the anonymity of the internet. But, at what grade is this being pulled into Newgrounds?

It's not a secret to anyone that this place is full of these people. The kind that jumps on people that ask for help, new users, threads with too much seriousness for them, etc. But who's fault is that? The liberty they have to do so in a repetitive and annoying way.

If everyone of us used more common sense at the time of replying to someone or at the time of making a topic, this place would be a whole better in general. There would be more support to people who needs help, people would engage in more intelligent discussions, etc. This is why I encourage you to reflex on this subject, "Am I being a helpful user?"

As to mods, I would suggest you would put more attention on this issue. I know this users can be very annoying sometimes, but giving a good example of integrity would help, patience is the key. If you warn a user for having a bad behavior but they keep on their tracks, I suggest you start giving a punishment for this.

As to myself, I know I have been in this caravan before, but I am trying to change my ways, and that is precisely what I want you people to do. It would be contradictory if you rant about a BBS problem if you didn't use common sense yourself.

So, do you agree?

Posted by Expectrum - August 23rd, 2007

Note: This is a religious discussion that requires you to put some effort at writing. Please keep in mind I was kind enough not to post this on the forums to avoid complains.

Now, we all know about the constant discussions of Christians and atheist. But, who is right? This should give a simple answer to this question.

To Christians: I know you have your faith in the existence of God. However you must accept that this fact is not true to everyone. Even tough you feel you have the need to convert the non-believers into believers, you must accept that stubborn people exist and won't accept it.

What you can do is try, but not insist. Remember that they have the right to be not disturbed, and that you have to respect their decision. Also remember you can't expect to convert every single human in the world, that's why there is a punishment for that.

If you where right, they will be most likely going to hell and you are most likely going to heaven. If they where right, they will simply root and you will at least have lived a life of good-doing.

Conclusion: Don't over do it. Arguing will not help your cause, you will only gain more haters. Live and let live, and learn to know a lost case.

To atheists: You may think Christians are stupid, ignorant, foolish and blind, but remember that it is their decision to be how they are. Also remember that they have good intentions, they are moved by their need to help others, so don't think of them as people that like to mock other's lives. Have some patience, they aren't going to change their ways no matter how much you argue.

What do you have to loose anyways? If you where right all this time everyone is going to root, so it really doesn't matters anyways.

Conclusion: Live and let live. They are good people who try yo help: They may insist a lot, but they only do it because they think they are doing the right thing. You can argue all you want, but they will stay firm.

I hope this helped some people to think different of their ways. Always remember: Live and let live, everyone has a different view of life.

Posted by Expectrum - August 7th, 2007

I am glad to announce that creation of a website is in process. This website, in construction by me and Paradox, will contemplate a comic portal, general Art portal, comic resources, original sprites, quality sprite flashes... just to mention a few features.

The design, logo, programming language and everything else will be discussed on this forums. Support, suggestions, and any other kind of help will be very much appreciated.

Stay tuned, my friends, for this site will be superb!

Posted by Expectrum - July 18th, 2007

Hi everyone.

Right now I started to make a humorous comic series called Chrono Chronicles. Ever read 8-bit theater? Well, it's something like that, only that it's based on the Chrono Trigger game and I use my own humor.

I'm new at making comics, but I think my first episode came out pretty well for being the first time. I have to thank Brian Clevinger, creator of 8-bit theater, for the inspiration.

I am going to start working everyday (if possible) on new episodes. Once i've got a few I am thinking of making a website to host then and receive other's comics, art, etc. It would be also really nice if someone that knows how to work nicely in flash would make animations of the series (like 8-bit theater).

Here I leave you a link to the current episodes (always updating):

Ep. 1
Ep. 2
Ep. 3

Please leave comments and opinions, if you'd like to get PMs announcing of new episodes please tell me so. Thank you!